
To deploy a Flask application in Ploomber Cloud you need:


You need to provide a Dockerfile, you can use this template to get started. The template contains the minimal steps needed for a deployment but you need to modify so it installs any required dependencies and copies your code into the Docker image.

FROM python:3.11

# assumes app.py contains your flask app
COPY app.py app.py
# install flask and gunicorn
RUN pip install flask gunicorn

# this configuration is needed for your app to work, do not change it
ENTRYPOINT ["gunicorn", "app:app", "run", "--bind", ""]

Testing locally#

To test your app, you can use docker locally:

# build the docker image
docker build . -t flask

# run it
docker run -p 5000:80 flask

Now, open to see your app.


Once you have all your files, create a zip file.

To deploy a Flask app from the deployment menu, follow these instructions:


To ensure your app doesn’t break on re-deployments, pin your dependencies.


Ploomber Cloud supports many features to help you build Flask applications quickly!


Basic app

A basic Flask app.

User auth

ML inference