Provisioning resources#


Some resources are billed per-second so ensure you only provision the resources you need.

When deploying an application for the first time, you can choose how many CPUs and RAM you want to provide.

Updating an existing application#

If you want to increase or reduce the resources provisioned for an existing application, open the detailed view, click on the three dots (...) next to the ANALYTICS REPORT button and then click on Redeploy Application:

You’ll need to provide the source code again. In the last section, you’ll be able to choose the resources to provision.

Configure via the CLI#

To configure resources via the command-line interface, first set your API key and initialize your project:

ploomber-cloud key YOURKEY
ploomber-cloud init

Then simply run:

ploomber-cloud resources

You’ll be prompted to select number of GPUs, CPUs and RAM.

Finally deploy your project and see that your resources have been customized:

ploomber-cloud deploy --watch

For more info on configuring resources in the CLI, click here