Dockerfile Essentials


Dockerfile Essentials#

You may deploy your application as a Docker application for more flexibility. Refer to this section to learn how Docker deployments can help.

Here are some tips on writing a good Dockerfile for Python applications:

  • Use a Minimal Base Image: Whenever possible, opt for a minimal base image to reduce the size of your Docker image, e.g., python:3.11-slim-bookworm.

  • Set the Working Directory: Use the WORKDIR instruction to set the working directory inside the Docker image. This simplifies subsequent commands and ensures that relative paths are resolved correctly.

  • Leverage layer caching: Docker caches each step (or layer) to speed up subsequent builds. When a step changes, the cache will be invalidated not only for that particular step but all succeeding steps. It’s important to keep the files that frequently change towards the end of the Dockerfile. Since the dependencies are unlikely to change very often, installing the dependencies step should be added before copying the application files. Here’s an example:

COPY requirements.txt /srv/
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt --no-cache-dir

COPY . /srv
  • Prefer COPY over ADD: According to Docker’s official documentation, it is recommended to prioritize the use of COPY over ADD due to its clearer and simpler functionality.

  • Array Over String Syntax: As per the Docker documentation make sure you’re using the exec form of CMD and ENTRYPOINT in your Dockerfile. So, CMD ["voila", "--port=80", "--no-browser", "app.ipynb", "--Voila.ip=''"] is preferable over CMD "voila --port=80 --no-browser app.ipynb --Voila.ip=''".

  • CMD vs ENTRYPOINT: Both these instructions define what command gets executed when running a container. The ENTRYPOINT specifies a command that will always be executed when the container starts. The CMD specifies arguments that will be fed to the ENTRYPOINT. For more details refer to the documentation.

  • Do not store secrets in images: Do not add secrets to your Dockerfiles in plaintext, e.g., ENV DATABASE_PASSWORD "SomethingSuperSecret". Refer to the guide on secrets to learn about securely setting secrets.







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