GitHub deployment#

You can use GitHub Actions to deploy your project on each push.

Set GitHub secret#

First, you need to get your API key. Once you have the API key, you need to store it as a GitHub secret in your repository:

Initialize project#

Then, install the CLI:

# install package
pip install ploomber-cloud

And set the API key locally:

ploomber-cloud key YOURKEY

You can also set your API key by setting the environment variable:


Now, configure your project:

ploomber-cloud init

init will create a ploomber-cloud.json file. For more information on the init command, see Command-line interface

Configure and monitor GitHub actions#

Now, configure GitHub actions by adding this YAML file in .github/workflows/ploomber-cloud.yaml

Finally, commit and push the new files:

# commit ploomber cloud and github actions config files
git add ploomber-cloud.json .github/workflows/ploomber-cloud.yaml
git commit -m 'configure github actions deployment'
git push

Once you push, you can monitor progress from GitHub. First, go to the actions section:

Then, click on the most recent run, and you’ll see the logs:

In the logs, you will see updates on the progress of the deployment. You’ll also see a URL to your application where you can check its status. Once the deployment has succeeded, it will return a URL to view your deployed project.

If you would prefer to track progress only through the application UI, you can remove --watch-incremental from the deploy command in your ploomber-cloud.yaml:

 - name: Deploy
        run: |
          ploomber-cloud deploy # removed '--watch-incremental' here

Removing --watch-incremental means deployment updates won’t be output to the logs, but you will still be able to track its progress through the URL.

Without --watch-incremental, the logs will look like this:

A complete sample project is available here.

Configure action through CLI#

If your project is already hosted on GitHub, running ploomber-cloud github inside your repository folder will prompt configuring a GitHub action for project deployment. On confirming with y the CLI will create a ploomber-cloud.yaml file in the path .github/workflows. Ensure that the Ploomber Cloud API Key is set as described in this section.

Please confirm that you want to generate a GitHub workflow file [y/N]: y
'ploomber-cloud.yaml' file created in the path .github/workflows.
Please add, commit and push this file along with the 'ploomber-cloud.json' file to trigger an action.
For details on configuring a GitHub secret please refer:

To trigger an action for deploying the project using GitHub actions you need to add, commit and push this file along with the ploomber-cloud.json.

Once done, you can monitor progress as discussed above.

In case the workflow template has been updated, running ploomber-cloud github will prompt the user to confirm updating the file:

Please confirm that you want to update the GitHub workflow file [y/N]:

On confirming with y the CLI will replace the workflow file with the updated one.

Additionally, users are also notified of GitHub workflow file creation or updation as needed while initializing or deploying a project.

If no workflow file is present, running ploomber-cloud init or ploomber-cloud deploy would display the following information:

You may create a GitHub workflow file for deploying your application by running 'ploomber-cloud github'.
To learn more about GitHub actions refer:

If workflow needs an update a relevant message will be displayed:

Please review the workflow file and update if needed.


To avoid uploading an .env file to GitHub, you may define them in your ploomber-cloud.json and Ploomber Cloud will read them from your repository secrets. Here are the steps:

  1. List the secret keys in ploomber-cloud.json under secret-keys

  2. Set the secrets in your GitHub repository and define them in your ploomber-cloud.yaml file

  3. Push your code to deploy

For example, if you had two secrets, key1 and key2, you should edit your ploomber-cloud.json to look like this:

  "id": "project-id-1999",
  "type": "project-type",
  "secret-keys": ["key1", "key2"]

Set key1 and key2 as secrets in your GitHub repository using the same method you did for your API key. Now make sure to define them in your ploomber-cloud.yaml file. Here’s an example snippet:

- name: Deploy
      key1: ${{ secrets.key1 }}
      key2: ${{ secrets.key2 }}
    run: |
      ploomber-cloud deploy --watch-incremental

Finally, push your code. In your deployment logs, when ploomber-cloud deploy is ran, you should see the secrets included with this message:

Adding the following secrets to the app: key1, key2,

Some important notes:

  • secret-keys should be defined as a list of strings that only includes the keys (not the values) of each secret

  • If your secrets are defined in both an .env and secret-keys, the deployment will fail. You may only use one method.

  • Make sure to define each secret in GitHub, mention it in ploomber-cloud.yaml, AND mention it in ploomber-cloud.json.

    • If a secret is defined in ploomber-cloud.json but isn’t set as a GitHub secret, the deployment will fail.

    • If a secret is set in GitHub but isn’t defined in ploomber-cloud.json, that secret won’t be included in the deployment.