
vLLM requires a GPU, which is only available to PRO users.

You can deploy a GPU-powered vLLM server on Ploomber Cloud quickly. First, ensure you create a Ploomber Cloud account.


Use the CLI template

Install the Ploomber Cloud client and set your API key:

pip install ploomber-cloud --upgrade
ploomber-cloud key YOUR-KEY

Then, start the template:

ploomber-cloud templates vllm

You’ll be promped for a model. The default is facebook/opt-125m, which is a small model that you can use for testing. You can use other more powerful models such as google/gemma-2b-it or any other model compatible with vLLM. Check out the available options in vLLM’s documentation, and pass one of the values under the Example HuggingFace Models column.

Model to serve via vLLM [facebook/opt-125m]: google/gemma-2b-it

If your model is gated (i.e., requires accepting its license), you’ll be prompted for an HuggingFace token, the token should hace acccess to the model.

Model google/gemma-2b-it is gated! Provide an HF_TOKEN
API KEY saved to .env file
Generated API key: gJ647cZTyvMQvwIpJFpQZwFJg7d8amaHTn7PtvrBOEw
Dockerfile and requirements.txt created
Initializing new project...
Your app 'some-id-1234' has been configured successfully!

You’ll see an API key, keep this safe, you’ll use this to access vLLM. Finally, you’ll be asked to confirm the deployment:

Do you want to deploy now? [Y/n]: y
test-vllm.py created, once vLLM is running, test it with python test-vllm.py
The deployment process started! Track its status at: https://www.platform.ploomber.io/applications/some-id-1234/another-id

Open the link to track progress, once the app is ready, test vLLM by running the sample script. This is an example output produced by google/gemma-2b-it:

python test-vllm.py
Prompt: Python is...
vLLM response:

a) a computer programing language
b) a financial instrument

Deploy from the menu

Download the files from the vLLM example. and create a .zip file.


Modify the last line in the Dockerfile to serve whatever model you want.

Then, follow the Docker deployment instructions:

docker deployment menu

Then, ensure you set an API key to protect your server by adding a VLLM_API_KEY secret (in the Secrets section).

To generate a value, you can run this in the terminal:

python -c 'import secrets; print(secrets.token_urlsafe())'


If your model requires you to accept a license, you also need to pass a valid HF_TOKEN in the secrets section so vLLM can download the weights.

Finally, ensure you select a GPU.

gpu selection menu

Deployment will take ~10 minutes since Ploomber has to build your Docker image, deploy the server and download the model.

The server will be ready to take requests when the WEBSERVICE LOGS show something like this:

2024-03-28T01:09:58.367000 - INFO: Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)


Once your server is running, you can test it with the following script:

# NOTE: remember to run: pip install openai
from openai import OpenAI

# we haven't configured authentication, so we just pass a dummy value
openai_api_key = "PUT_YOUR_API_KEY_HERE"

# modify this value to match your host, remember to add /v1 at the end
openai_api_base = "https://autumn-snow-1380.ploomberapp.io/v1"

client = OpenAI(

# NOTE: change model to the model you're using
completion = client.completions.create(model="facebook/opt-125m",
                                       prompt="JupySQL is",


The previous snippet is using the openai Python package since vLLM exposes a server that mimics OpenAI’s API; however, you don’t have to use it. You can also use an http library like requests.


Basic example

Basic example using a small model (facebook/opt-125m), doesn’t need HF_TOKEN


Deploys google/gemma-2b-it. It requires an HF_TOKEN associated with an account that has accepted the license for google/gemma-2b-it

gemma-2b-it + outlines

Deploys google/gemma-2b-it using outlines. It requires an HF_TOKEN associated with an account that has accepted the license for google/gemma-2b-it